
Damian Files

I had to really concentrate hard to gather together the vast knowledge base that would help the proceedings of this ever nearing challenge. It took a long time to put together but in the end it compiled many many years of history, events, psycho-analytical data and dodgy diagrams all under one filing system which I had decided to appropriately name 'The Damian Files'.

On the day that the final label was stuck into place (which I had expected would be a joyful moment), I had an overwhelmingly bad feeling. I had realised that I had made a huge mistake in taking this holiday, which only incredible good luck or skill would be able to resolve. 

The Damian Files were created to make the whole development process much more simple (and I was sure that they would), but I had been away from my host for 13 years. I left him when he was 6 years old which would have mean't that he would currently be 19! I will have missed his most impressional years and so unless Andre had been really level headed with all of his decisions, the whole process will be much harder. So before I'd even started I've potentially made this challenge near impossible to complete. 

I had decided from this moment that I needed to get back down to Earth to see what I had (not) created in my young host. I figured that i'd need to see how Andre had coped on his own. I couldn't do this by asking. Lies are very easily told, so I had decided that I must arrive in secret and scope the situation from a far before getting myself involved...  

Damian Files
Damian Files

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