
Mightier Than a Sword

And so Friday night had come. He had decided that the image mission was nearly over but the story that was being told was far from finished. He thought that he should congratulate himself for dealing with so many near sleepless nights to complete this potentially pointless personal mission. He had learned that he was able to deliver his thoughts on paper much better than he had ever been able to through speech. Drawing the images had helped him focus on certain situations and find methods for dealing with his own flaws.

He had gone to town that night to see a band and chill with mates. He had managed to meet many new people and got into many conversations with strangers. He spoke far more freely (hence the teeth coming through, which also applies to speaking through his images) and only censored what he spoke when he already knew it wouldn't work out from past experience. He had a good day. He made some new friends, and as usual, there was no trouble. Nev felt like he was peeping out of his shell a bit. Slowly introducing people to the Nev that hides away.

Mightier Than a Sword
Mightier Than a Sword