
So Thursday came. Nev had some aggression to release, and it was wet out, so he got on his Xbox and began battering his way through Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball. That went on for some time to be honest. Judus popped round and they had another lengthy deep and dark discussion about the project. They had a few drinks whilst they chatted. Nev even found himself drinking beer, over the usual tropical option.

Together they eventually came up with the idea, to have many mini missions to perform when Nev's out and about, meeting new types. He should try new things with new people, preferably away from the Inner Sanctum, to see what reactions he would get and to see what he can get away with. It was confirmed that Nev is comfortable on a skateboard. This is where he is in his element. He can do what he wants, when he wants, and in a lot of cases, how he wants, without having to even think about it. Over the years he had drilled tricks over and over again until he knew their theories and could manipulate them to his taste. He'd spend full days dedicated to a single trick just to get it right. It’s the same for paintball. He can spend hours hitting groups of tiny targets at high speeds never hitting the same one twice in a row. On a field it gives him the confidence in knowing that he can meet multiple targets and deal with it, knowing that his accuracy is never an issue. This thought should be applied to people, in his regular life. 

He can test what he could say, to many people. Eventually after drilling this enough, he would know what's acceptable and what's not. Which means that eventually he would have a huge itinerary of things to say, and be so smooth and precise about the way he was executing it that eventually, he wouldn't even need to think about it. That way, situations like what he got into on Day 7 wouldn't be an issue. As for Day 10, he could practice drilling the word No, and maybe even have a cheeky way of doing it so that he could go home and not risk hurting any feelings. He now has a long-term mission.

The Master Plan
The Master Plan