
It turned out that the horned demon things hadn't actually made it to the town, so I guess we were lucky. We were in the woods just on the outskirts of the town. We spotted them first so we spread out making sure that we could attack them all at the same time. It would be a surprise attack. I had two in my sights but I didn't know what I could do. I thought for a second remembering a few things that Ben would have mentioned when we were back home. 'Show no weakness'. I unwrapped my leg. 'Use your surroundings to your advantage'. I thought I had a plan. Use a tree as cover from the second target whilst I move in and hammer the first. Then get the second one in the same move... I was nervous but I thought I was ready. I took my shoes off because in this forest my grip wouldn't be so good. I waited for the signal and let my heart beat faster with anticipation.

There it was... the sound of a rock caving in the head of one of the scaly intruders. I moved but it didn't go to plan. I got that tunnel vision again where I couldn't make any sense of my surroundings. It was myself and my natural instincts again so I rode it out. I went to swing for the first one but the hammer left my sweaty hand. It hit home but I had lost my hammer and I was running towards the next target. All I had was a tree for extra push. The second target turned to face me. he had a rock in his hand but it wasn't lit... I just dived, kicking off the nearby tree for extra speed and force and launched my weight into the target gripping his neck in a last resort attack. Our heads clashed as we both headed directly into the side of another tree. Its head took the beating, and we were both grounded. I was unharmed and it seemed as though I had just taken out both targets. I put in a cheeky punch whilst he was down and lifted myself up. As I did my blurred vision began to come round. But before it was clear again I saw a glow heading my way. I turned to duck it but my arm was hit by a flaming rock. The force sent me to the ground in agonising pain. But thankfully and in a fuzzy blurred vision I could see the attacker get taken down in the distance... Once again I fell into darkness.

Blind Fight
Blind Fight