Brother From Another Mother
Drawing these images gave Nev plenty of time to ponder the thoughts and events that he was putting down on paper. It meant that he was fully clear about everything that was happening throughout the week. Which was nice. Thursdays image was all about Wednesday. Nev was nearly catching up with himself at this point.
He was at work receiving stories via email about images and videos that Coldy (left) had been taking on his new super camera. This always makes Nev smile at work, which can take away some of the stresses that he has to deal with whilst in the office. Recently Coldy had become a very close, if not best mate. Coldy was always fully supportive throughout the days of Yakamazi; he got Nev on NK, He'd bailed Nev out of many situations and fixed him when paintball, circumstances and situations had left him physically and mentally crippled. Nev actually owes this man so much it's untrue. Back to the point of the image though, Coldy has always had something that Nev had never had: Confidence and front. In these senses they were actually polar opposites. If they could meet half way in a lot of what they do, they could potentially do anything and make it look easy at the same time.
I guess on Thursday Nev was having an I Love Coldy day. So he wanted to draw an image, which summed them up perfectly as a pair. And here it is. There’s not many dark or deep tales that go with this image. Nev guessed that if you knew them well, then you would know what the hats were all about, you would know what’s in the glass, you know where the wrist decoration was from and the hand gestures. This was just a portrait of Nev and his best mate.